Bdo shai pve solo Your attack speed buff from Tuck-and-Roll should be ending around the time you finish the combo so you can keep it refreshed. Watch This video to see the Action ;D. For my gear, Crystal set up and Addons for PvE. she is really good at sustain and survival for pve though Sep 5, 2020 · 220 AP Shai shreds Mirumok mobs easily. I wanted to talk about group content separate because it is sort of obvious but also easily forgotten by shais who are trying to find their way in a game which is 99% solo. g. . #blackdesert #blackdesertonline #sea #grind Track: Sharks - Shiver [NCS Release]Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. With the tag system you wont loose buff time either. Life is good. But, should i keep upgrading Evasion → Se Inscrevam no canal Twitch: https://www. She’s great as an alt if you dont plan to do 1v1 pvp. Her sustain and Damage lower her entry requirements for most spots by a significant amount. -----GS (Grumpy shai / Gangster shai / Gamer Snoods)Credits: #neffex Feb 3, 2021 · Hello Shai Mains,With the newest update today we have access to 6 add on slots now (Finally)Here are the Add-ons that I am gonna be running. Basic rule of thumb is monster damage, critical, accuracy and attack/cast speed. but even there she has come niches were she excells I literally quit playing bdo 2 yrs ago because I can not play my favorite class in pvp. Part of the beauty of BDO is group content offers no huge advantage over players who solo grind. O my exception Shai I suppose, which is mainly support. her mobility is average and for orc camp underwater ruins you want classes like maegu for that reason. You will change your grinding areas as you progress and get better gear. You can debuff too Jun 26, 2023 · 6. com/chann I would say Nova Awa but it is a lot of apm to play. tv/woothewinnerAND I also compose music! Che Downvotes are because their answer for PvE is objectively wrong. Grind Spot: Manshaum Mirumok 250 AP GEAR This is the stage where your Shai will excell and will use her full potential! Get to At least 240 AP at early stage and try to get to 250 AP at later stage. https://www. Guardian Seasonal after season I have used this spot, on me EU boosted account and my NA fresh account, even to level up other classed outside of seasonal. Watch: https://youtu. be/nKvrPra78zo1st Batch 9 Class PVE Buff (BDO Global Lab, 20 Oct 2023): https://youtu. This means monsters will constantly turn towards you to attack you, which makes it considerably more effort to land consistent back attacks. While Shai will generally pull average trash/hr, the spots I've enjoyed the most on my journey to 730+ (beyond Valencia and Kratuga) were Sycraia Abyssal for money and Mirumok Solo 3 trees for exp, caphras, and now you can get Atanis as well for potions or just fruit exchanges. i for example am a 297kutum/377dp shai (TET Godr florang) and do grind hexe quite chill Any gear recommendation for solo shai dr build for pve(mid game to endgame) , I want to test it out on garmoth website Archived post. OK, this skill is really useful, especially if you like to war with Shai, but outside of war, is it still useful? of course there are many uses but the time is very suitable for that it seems, so I think the right time is when you and your friends visit Vell together, the angry vell's Rage skill seems impossible to avoid, but if there 10 Class HUGE PVE Buff 3rd Batch, +35 AP PVE Shai Artina Sol, Dark Rift Change (Mythical Feather), Pity System for Cavua Artifact, Simplify Blackstar Gear Quest, Trash Loot Buff Monster Zone (Black Desert Online Global Lab Update, 03 November 2023) BDO First time hearing this. The difference between a Shai and a good Shai is huge. - RMB Double Animation Cancel. com/oE4myBL I love playing support. - Forest's Echo Loop. I only do pve and nova seems alot of fun, so I was wondering would it worth it to do a full re-roll? I currently main striker but he gets a bit boring after awhile, if you could inform me on how good nova is in early-game, mid-game and finally end-game would appriciate alot, thank you guys in advance. People will likely disagree with me, but in any group content that’s 3 or more players, be it pve or pvp I think Shai is the best class in the gameif witch and wizard don’t Feb 29, 2024 · It requires a Shai class and can be used at party spots like Dehkia Olun’s Valley, however it is riskier since it relies on the Shai to use their Summer Rain III skill for 40% resistance. Solo PvE - Shai is middling, maybe high-ish tier. Prob not the best way but its what ive been doing so far Selamlar bugün sizlere Shai' yi PVE olarak anlatmaya çalıştım. 11. In short, Shai's solo play is never going to be the best but she's okay and you have to be okay with that. com/a/6lti3aK-----Playlist: MD10 a. 돌만합니당 _____Come watch me live! https://www. Her passive abilities focus on life skills, allowing her to become a master gatherer and alchemist. Shai has a great side dodge attack. She has nice sustain and doesn't need pots, but guess what other classes can heal themselves too and come with Valkyrie, it is a bit old class, but it has low apm and breath taking speed on grinding. Before I made one I read an outline of the class and breakdown of pros and cons. ) and eventually when you want to go into higher ap grind spots get the other boss armors and softcap accessories. 1 day ago · The Musa and his mighty blade. But for ESO, I did also play a bit of cyrodiil (mass PvP). Even at solo spots people pocket shai which essentially is buffing somebody for more DPS and e. #BlackDesert #MMORPG #Pearlabyss #bdo Black Desert Online MENA Official ServerMusics:Alexander Nakarada - Army of th Hi everyone, I made a video demonstrating some Shai tricks & tips including cancels, rotations, skill addons (in description) and my DP set for PvP (in description). I made one regardless because I want to see for myself how they play. Sep 5, 2020 · This guide will not talk about "how good a shai is or how bad it is" rather this guide will teach you how to maximize her potential in PvE. - Song Chaining. Whereas Shai is focused for group pvp focused. Most players grind in places where they can maximize their profits. It's a class you pick to play with friends. Looking at some BDO vids on youtube, the male classes that seems well suited to mainly PvE with a side of mass PvP (not interested in dueling) are Berserker, Musa, Wizard and Hashashin. Shai are imba. This tier list will go through all of the classes in BDO so you can decide on what type of character you would like to create and play. Hmm choose the class you like to play. I have like 8 shai im gay, and i have pen manos life gear and got tired of lifeskilling. Aug 1, 2022 · (Black Desert online / #BDO)Something goes here. Twi Dec 24, 2021 · Would seem a lot in BDO can not think like this when it comes to shai… Everyone is an expert on shai; from what it is, too what its meant to be. Guardian is probably the most recommended class in BDO and for good reason. Meagu Succ was pretty good as well just was putting me to sleep and she pretty decent at PvP but I feel I do slightly better on my woosa PvE while my Meagu performance is definitely better PvP but she still a S Tier grinder. Thank you so much for your time! Aug 15, 2022 · If the advised Global Labs changes from Aug 5th and 12th go live, and Shai loses 1/5 of her PvE dmg then no player will feel safe playing Shai as a beginner in BDO. While she has less damage than other classes when played in endgame party content, she shines in a support role. For player opinion on the Shai, please visit Shai Discord or the Official BDO Shai forums. To the shock of many, Shai are quite well-balanced when it comes to end-game PvE content. Shai essentially can't do PvP outside of CC botting and slightly buffing friendlies. If you want to PvE optimize, succession is the only answer. com/character/Dm3ZTMz7OeFollow me on Twit shai is THE class with the least gear requirement to do end game pve and still do better than like 80% of all other classes. About to start playing BDO. You can do a billion different things to earn money in BDO, but the only real carrot at the end is using your wealth and resources to succeed in PvP. Shai is absolutely, uncomparably broken. So Shai is another that breaks the standard by her ability to tank hits while attacking and healing but she lacks the power to be able to compete against some classes. She can compete at grind spots as long as the packs aren’t spread too far apart. BDO Dosa Awakening Gyfin Under 314 aap and 297 aap PVE Combo I wish to roll main Shai and go to group pvp activities like GvG and Node War. Sample Build: Grind Spots: Aakman / Hystria Shai PvE is okay at the low spots but really really great at the higher end spots. Just as an example, I grind Hystria on her with 278DP and Its pretty chill. Group content is the reason why you should play a Shai. So stay to DR unless your class benefits more from evasion. But take note, that Shais have a hard time defending their spots due to reduced pvp damage. Shai always needed for group spots. garmoth. The example used is for Knockdown/Bound resistance and Stun/Stiffness/Freezing resistance (check below for all crystals) The problem here is: BDO is rather lacking in terms of class PvE balance, and I really can't imagine just how willfully incompetent PA have to be to not find sufficient evidence of that by actually play-testing things like rift bosses. Doesn't have to be that specific order but there's much easier classes than Shai. Tbd. Here’s a ranking of the best solo PvE classes in BDO, from least effective to the best, with the understanding that all classes maintain their viability and unique appeal in the game’s multifaceted PvE realm. Additionally, in PVE, the meta changes according to the spot. Nov 28, 2023 · Shai Simple Buff + PVE ComboAddons as References:https://imgur. c I started shai a week ago , if i didn't find a party at miru i went protty cave for exp n did hunting on lifeskiller for silver , saved money till i could buy DUO godr to hit 265 ap kutum. Jul 21, 2021 · For Shai mains who have been playing the class for a while, there is (probably) nothing mind-blowing or groundbreaking in here, but I'm hoping it helps some of you! Topics discussed in the video: - Movement. 5 level in season server with killing above 600k mobs. I was actually shocked how irrelevant my dp score was for dark rift bosses and some farming areas as well. Im not gonna sell my gear I crafted and rolled them all by hand myself. There are PvE roles like support, tank, etc. My Corsair has passed her months ago however. Novice Shai Guide Now with:- An Advance Combo- Beginner Crystals- Early Artifacts and Light stones- Example Areas after SeasonsCheck me out on Twitch @ Twitc Pretty sure there's no definition of "solo pve class" here in bdo. and for detail Explanation you can watch my video below: * People who want to tag and learn Shai to grind the spot * Shai that know how to play the class but want to learn what to do when grinding Oluns * Shai that have started grinding the spot but want to get better/learn some tips. (Even tho the run bursts give me headaches) As for Shai as lifeskiller. As far as good classes that fit the average mold with a combination of movement or range making them amazing in pvp. I don't suggest getting duplicates on Shai due to our skills being on such a low Cooldowns. A place for people who enjoy carp fishing or want to learn about it! → Se Inscrevam no canal Twitch: https://www. com/@ArsenNateTVTwitch: https://www. All in all, less vulnerable to surprise back attacks and other spike damage, more fps, better latency. Lifeskill i'd recommend musa/Mahewa and shai. Guess you being new to the class probably the reason. Join my discord if you have any questions: https://discord. The Sol can be enhanced to give extra stats which empower her buffs. Originally hailing from the town of Florin, the Shai is an expert in gathering and alchemy. / Another detail, evasion isn't efficient enough until you have tons of it ( high PvE gear, at least min C9 or C13) which in the gearing process would be DR into Evasion. Decent dmg, good sustain, heals, buffs, and debuffs. com/nassem1Business Inquiries: JohnNassem1211@gmail. Woosa maybe be powerful but speed is not enough moving between mobs and mobs. All license agreements fulfilled* Yeah I’m rocking a c20 offin, I’m a PvP shai! so PvE videos like this are very rare. A class just for RP and lifeskill. comDiscord: Nassem #00 I played wizard for 7 years and have been trying every magical grinder from Time to Time , if you want only pve excellent grinder , woosa and maegu Succ are top tier of the meta of all classes, but it will move as meta Always do, woosa is interesting with her kit, ans maegu awaken only release end of the week, wizard and witch are almost same class (same pre awake and support skills - similar Yes she feels really overtuned on some spots. So now: Best classes and easy to play in pve are: Musa,lahn,mystic,kuno,berzerker,sorcerer. Shai can be a very weak class in 1v1s due to her reduced PVP damage. This is just a recommendation based on all classes cause I don’t play shai. twitch. be/NdUNtHqY5r8Free D Shai is one of the best VERY end game grinders (stuff like sycria abyssal) but to get there you need a LOT of gear. No she doesn't that is a flat out huge lie. Its not the dmg, just an aoe issue that the current top tier grinders there have. Shai PvE is good when the rotation is small and condensed. Nov 27, 2022 · This Post about SOLO MODE Guide Atoraxxion Sycrakea Dungeon, Trick To get Knowledge from last Boss Continuously for 130 FS, Main Quest Puzzle, Mechanic, Walkthrough (Black Desert Online) BDO. I've played both Shai and Witch. com/gallery/xQnMN1g(This combo can go to everywhere)Talent Buff : Do it better!(slot) + C(hold)OPEN BUFF : Sun's Fury( Aug 1, 2022 · BDO: [Solo Seasonal Shai] Skill Addons (PVE and pvp?) [BDO] List of Black Desert Online Class & Community Discord Servers Complete Dosa PvE Guide by May 31, 2023 · 2nd Best PVE Class: Guardian. Greatly recommend Witch over Shai. Jul 7, 2024 · July 07, 2024: We have made changes to our BDO Tier List to cover the latest patches. I mainly play solo PvE casually. When you aren't in danger, you can do bigger attacks and Shai can also heal really well. If you have any questions please ask and I'd be more than happy to help. 그냥저냥. They offer exceptional damage output, survivability, and utility in end-game PvE. Officially recognised fan-lead server for the Shai class in the MMORPG Black Desert Online. For Heilang riding, you need the lvl49 heilang skill level. Summary Late Night Talk with Pearl Abyss 27 Oct 2023: https://youtu. Go With Guardian Awakening. Pretty sure Shai is a perfectly good class in all 2-3man compositions as a support. Now we’re here. Over Here Skill. I main support in games like league of legends and play only enchanter style champs. Meta in PVE isn't the same as meta in PVP. tv/ar I run Awk Woosa but most perfect Succ but I definitely pull good trash on Woosa pretty fun to play while not being overly complicated. Which causes her to suffer in the early and mid-game as it's designed more around solo play. Also musa has only rabam pull, mae has rabam and on awakening also oppression, musa has pull on crust in pve as far as I remember, but that kills mobs before you can banafit from the pull (I don't grind anywhere this pull might be relevant, so I can't say with 100% confidence) Apr 22, 2023 · สวัสดีจ้าเรามิมิบจะมาแนะนำ Combo และ Addon น้องชายย์Addonที่เราใช้ในการฟาร์มคอมโบการฟาร์มW+F , S+LMB , S+RMB , SHIFT+LMB , SHIFT+Z , RMB*3วิธีการกดบัพนำสกิล ตะวัน เดือน ดาว ไปไว้ใน Jun 24, 2019 · Serious question. Everyone is DPS. Now im farming miru either solo or in group to stack up on valtara belts n enchant em. These class lists are dynamic and always changing as players cast their votes for the best in PVE and PVP. The last, but certainly not the worst of the S tier classes in Black Desert Online. As I said in the other comment Bonsoir à tous,Je vais commencer le jeu et j'hésite entre 3 classe et plus particulièrement shai, on m'a dit que en pve c'était très fort mais en PvP pas trop. Pick Shai if… You like adorable little humans who can surprisingly pack a punch with a giant boomerang and change the tide with a tiny lamp. Since I'm relatively new to BDO, I don't really have much idea of what gears should I get to maximize my DP/resistance to survive in such battles, long enough to provide buffs to my friends. This also assumes that you're in a PUG group or your static makes the Shai do everything and carry. Jan 1, 2023 · The Shai, like every class in BDO, is gender locked, but I have seen some male versions in the player made Appearance templates. Her small figure grants her high evasion, and her ability to avoid close encounters with the enemy via simple movement skills allows her to navigate the battlefield with ease. Which of those has the best of the following? Group PvE healing/support capabilities Group PvP healing/support capabilities Shai is a weird class. PvE is really easy; the exciting part of PvE is defending your spot from other players who all want to grind where you're grinding. - Animation Cancels. If you like buffing, pick Shai. You can look into a written guide about pros & cons for Shai here . Then people started to complain that they wanna use shai to grind content and PA threw their plans away and helped her getting grip in pve. The first two have quick and simple dashes to move around, shai weight bonus and decent movements. They will be bullied mercilessly by other players and those of us with gear, similar to that shown in my most recent Shai Wick video, will see our communities slowly dwindle into Feb 2, 2023 · สอนกดบัพ 0:55คอมโบ 2:52 สกิลเพิ่มเติม 4:48 สาธิตการฟาร์ม 7:11 However, put her in a group setting with a small level of coordination and you’re going to notice the Shai. Its basically a throw away class. 0 362. I have only 90 memo frags and 150 000 000 silver for the whole family. BDO is and was never a PvE only game. I don't think Woosa can do this. I dont know how strong awa woosa is, I heared she is good at dehkia thornwood. That’s why you start at professional on a shai. In endgame she grinds slower than almost every class, but due to her buffs and debuffs she can capably clear in content that is higher than her gear score if the Shai player knows what they’re doing. - "Sacrificing" a Buff to Quick Swap. I main musa cuz hes good at pve but now im bored of him. Soru ve yorumlarınızı Yorumlar kısmından belirtebilirsiniz. Or you can just go to an easier area and just clear that by yourself. Some shai players at +300 fs on artina sol If you refer to pve content end game spots were you have to stack enemies in a pixel then probably shai gonna have good performance (perma DP debuff, good sustain and ton of hits per attacks with low cd) Sep 6, 2019 · Shai clears a lot of PvE faster than any other class. Jul 13, 2024 · BDO Class Tier Lists have the daunting task of showing you the best class in PVP and PVE! Sounds extraordinarily impossible, I know! But, we need to know the best class to fend off a pesky super Ninja! Look no furthur! 🙂. If the advised Global Labs changes from Aug 5th and 12th go live, and Shai loses 1/5 of her PvE dmg then no player will feel safe playing Shai as a beginner in BDO. This is actually starting to tilt me. g leeching XP in return from a spot etc. This game is more of a solo grind same mobs or area for hours/days/weeks/months. Heck her oluns just got nerfed big time with the removal of song pocketing. com/a/35rmTNuAddons (Up to date): https://imgur. Plus literally no pve content actually needs shais. Disagree on shai being bad at pve. I can farm areas at lower gear score and lower levels compared to my mains (literally did level 56-58 areas as level 50 shai). For solo PvE grinding, however, I've read they are a bit lacklustre. Please suggest gears and maybe skill build. Example: any group grind spot in PvE without a shai can be 40% less effective than with another class. She isn't meant to be a solo class, she can't do high end solo spots and never will be able to; BUT THATS OKAY because there are people that play this game that WANT a full DP support class. Seem like you view Shai as a support class. She's much better as a part of a group than in solo play. Jul 30, 2023 · Here is my Beginner PvE Guide for Shai. I challenged myself to create a YouTube tutorial video for ALL the classes so that way while I'm lea Shai good high end pve. Also 1 + Hold F then Press A -> S -> D into Spacebar for your buffs. Below you will find a list of the ranks visible during Character Creation. Tamer is ok at pve and both 1v1 and group pvp (due to ultimate spinner black spirit). No one is forced to raid/dungeon for progression if they don't You need to use W + F, S + RMB, S + LMB, Shift + LMB, Shift + X, RMB -> Q -> Hold RMB. 8,185 Online PLEASE STOP RECCOMENDING SUCC STRIKER. i'd say you to test them and decide by yourself. IT HASN'T BE A TOP PVE CLASS FOR A WHILE NOW. This game is so much more PvE friendly than it was 2 years ago and its not even close and still everyone is crying about it. İyi Aug 18, 2023 · **This isn't a guide that you must follow step by step. I say skip BDO if you really mean that. she started as such for me, just a character for lifeskilling. Succ sorc didnt get any meaningful pve buffs and is kind of down bad now for PvE. And even at sycraia, her best solo spot, she is average at best. Dont worry about those Elitist that needs 250 AP in Mirumok. . A skilled Nova is a top 3 grinder in almost any spot in the game. Jun 5, 2023 · While all classes can hold their own in solo PvE, some simply stand out from the rest. They will be bullied mercilessly by other players and those of us with gear, similar to that shown in my most recent Shai Wick video, will see our communities slowly dwindle into PA can add more group PvE without diminishing the rewards of solo grind players. Shai PvE is… fine. Jun 13, 2020 · Unlike other classes, Shai’s awakening is a “Sol” which summons various instruments for her to play, to buff allies, and debuff her enemies. But it can be done solo. She is good at fighting in pve but she is sure as not faster than lahn, mystic, striker, witch/wizard, etc. Hello fellow Shai, In PvE Shai does well at any spot without much movement. google. Here we have the Musa. So you can play the game. I've heard they have really good self sustain in PvE and shine in groups. c Les dejo una guia de la Shai para PVE. I'd recommend using a character for lifeskill and one for pve honestly. In pvp however it is very important to have someone to heal people. 나아요. In pve you really don't want to waste time healing, only in some specific danger situations (you got ccd even though you have 95% resistance and your combo is full with protections). *1) #BlackDesertMobile #GreatDesertWant to support me? 😄Donations: https://streamlabs. She does well solo but you need a grind location that compliments her kit. Shai is a very important class for PvE Groups and the 3 dungeons BDO has. Her mobility is low, so she will lose time needing to move from pack to pack (this is even with the florang surf). (click for Jan 24, 2023 · *All credits in description and video. com/mt28kchzTodos Meus Guias:https://docs. Her PVE is just as good as any other class for good grind spots, and she is straight up the best in party slots. In pve I'd say shai > witch = wizard > valk In pvp I'd say valk > shai > witch = wizard 10 Class HUGE PVE Buff 3rd Batch, +35 AP PVE Shai Artina Sol, Dark Rift Change (Mythical Feather), Pity System for Cavua Artifact, Simplify Blackstar Gear Quest, Trash Loot Buff Monster Zone (Black Desert Online Global Lab Update, 03 November 2023) BDO Description will follow shortly. All classes are meant to be able to solo anything since there's no the trinity you topically see in other mmos (DPS, tank and healer). be/ I can just split view BDO and Random TV on the couch at the same time now without any deaths. If youre only doing PVE you can build it like every other class for PVE, get boss weapons (kutum till u hit 261ap with nouver, then nouver), bhegs, upgrade to better accessories (witch earrings, seraps etc. English guides only. Back then the idea for shai was purely social interaction. Shai pve damage on endgame grind spot is up there on the tier list. | 22657 members BDO Shai Discord. Use the 'Follow' command and then the "Press 'R' to mount" option will appear. Two different paths that lead to comparable rewards. Jan 16, 2024 · 5. I agree that the class should get some nerfs in the Buff/Debuff department and get a more reasonable skill set in exchange, PA seems to forget than even though the class may have a S tier of level of impact in group content from the point of view of the player playing the class, the class Sep 30, 2019 · I just came back to BDO after a huge break. Yes, Shai's role in PvP is a support and basically has 0 chance in 1v1 but in PvE she can grind end game just as fast as any other class and you shouldn't focus on being a support in PvE. I don’t play shai, but you are seeing these choices in gear and crystals is because that is a default for every class and there isn’t anything better then precision’s and they are the standard for both pve and pvp. Nov 29, 2022 · A simple PVE guide for Shai, hopefully it's helpful!This is not a comprehensive guide by any means, but something to quickly cover the essentials of playing Solo shai dr gear build for pve comments. tv/JakeBerserkerProcure sua Build Aqui:https://tinyurl. Dec 25, 2023 · Garmotth at 4:14Enjoy ♥Gear: https://imgur. BDO is mostly a solo game with endless grind and endless gear progression. you don't need much gear or min-maxed stats to do well and somewhat braindead at the current best spots in the game like hexe/quint. Most of my boss gear (armor) is quite broken from 3 dura to 40. People parrot striker being a meta class, but then it can't even make it into the top 5 for overall endgame (exception being oluns, Quint) numbers. It’s not great but it could be worse and it has gotten better over the past few months. Last I recall, she's necessary in all Olun parties. Please go here: www. You know she doesn’t have good mobility so locations where you can one shot packs of mobs and run to the next pack will not work on her. Yes, she is support in pvp, but pve she is a DPS. Wielding a razor sharp Katana and Horn Bow he’s a warrior of great skill that upholds the honor of Tier S with ease. Dk especially awa is also a little higher on apm and I would say a bit worse than Awa Nova in Jul 8, 2023 · *(one or 2 bits may be dated now, but gonna be a while before i do an updated version so this is it for now)Shai is not your standard class, this will take s Nov 25, 2024 · Archer – PvE Where To Play Black Desert Online? You can play Black Desert Online on the platforms of Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One; as well as the mobile platforms of Android, iOS, and iPadOS. J'aurais aimer connaître votre If I only got a dolar for each complain I've seen from Shais in this forum that got completely ignored. May 24, 2024 · Guardian Succession Solo Dehkia Tunkuta/Turo 16. Jun 25, 2023 · Update Nov 2023: Class balance changes have chaged the meta. My question is what is the point of this class if she is just advertised as a "fun life skiller" and not pulling her own weight in pve or pvp? I haven't heard any good things so far. r/CarpFishing. If you want PvE only play another game. I discovered that i have Duo muskans and Bheg gloves with TRI Red Nose and +14 Giath / Tri Grunil. FACTS!) Snoods Sep 1, 2022, 13:49 (UTC) 2852 10 33 4 The benefits of grouping isnt very high. It doesn't do amazing damage, but it keeps you out of range while still doing damage and you can literally hop circles around your opponents while whittling then down. I really hope so because I like to support my party members. Tier List Ranking Meaning (PVE) S-Tier – These classes are the best of the best and are highly recommended for any player looking to excel in BDO. All in all there is just a lack of content for a full support class with few attacks. PVE-wise im pretty happy. Awakening Nova is one of the best all rounders. You can also throw in the bleeding dot if u want. Currently Succ Lahn, awk/succ witch, awk wiz, awk guard, awk range, awk hash, awk Dk all fe A huge problem with Shai's PvE being back-attack focused is that meta grind spots have fast monsters that don't stun. You can even maintain bsr buff 100% uptime depending on spots. I dont know why everyone is complaining about PvP nowadays. Apr 7, 2023 · "SHAI GOES BRRR"Addons : https://imgur. And the HP recovery on every single skill is gonna help you surv Jun 27, 2021 · The Shai is probably the cutest class in Black Desert Online. Black Desert… Shai does top dps at hexe, quint. 3 Days in and the class keeps getting better and better. Guardian’s Awakening is the perfect choice for endgame PVE grinding. 3K TL/H | Level 2 Loot Scroll #PvE #Shai. And in PvP? Any 3v3 tournament devolves into teams of 'shai, Valkyrie, X' 248K subscribers in the blackdesertonline community. PvE is mostly solo and more efficent money wise to grind solo. Never have any issue on her. The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss. Guardian feels like a tanky and slow class in the beginning, but once you get to the end game content, she plays incredibly well. BDO can have the best of both worlds - the solo grind as well as challenging group content. Jul 19, 2022 · Overall and though small, Shai is a pretty good class for solo and PvE. Shai. Feb 23, 2023 · Credit goes to TheCrux for this combo, his Oluns Shai guide is also super useful for players who are both new to shai, or a shai main! Use the combo on a loop. The ignore resistance helps you stun stiff in hystria and knockdown in aakman. Shai is low apm but to actually make it work you need buffs and debuffs so that's plenty of buttons. Es mas al estilo que la juego yo, pero pueden agregar mas cancels y modificar addons a gusto dependiendo del spot. Apr 23, 2024 · Shai is one of those classes that’s viability depends on the situation. I really like playing healer/support classes for PvE content, and have figured out that Wizard/Witch/Shai are my best options. I love playing the support role in games offering buffs, debuffs, healing, and CC over just more damage. from its pvp to Pve, Group and solo… and it would seem the myths people have had, have been listen to by PA for a long time, this has held shai in limbo. 99% of content in BDO is solo and you shouldn't look at this game like all other MMO's. The repetitive operation make me fall asleepMade some demonstrations of different styles of grindingFind a way that feels comfortable to your grindingGear00: Shai bdo shai pve rehberi, skiller ve tanıtım solo mirumukAlttaki Linkten Youtube Üyemiz Olarak Kanalımıza Destek Olabilirsiniz. I understand now that Shai stack DP/Evasion and are also meant for doing this. You need to be a little more specific. You might clear things faster. She can also grind way better with low gear compared to other classes. When you don't need accuracy anymore >FOR PVE< you run 1 jin 1 bon carmae for 3 crit 8 ap Yeah, you'll still need it for Oluns some day but you'll see returns from saving on spirit perfumes first and you cap on oluns later anyways with shai+valk Nov 16, 2023 · This Video About +35 AP PVE Artina Sol Upgrade Guide Crafting Sunset Glow Crystal Shai, Black Desert Online (BDO) and for detail Explanation you can watch my video below: you can ask me in game (Family: "Poli"), or comment on this forum, or this video comment section if you have any Question Shai PvE is good, but not for large areas where you have to move around a lot. As a Shai, your main weapon is a florang and your sub-weapon is a vitclari. There's a s Most of time, shai do well even with lower dp. If you’re less into being the frontline brute and more into the idea of playing a class that can both hold out on its own and also proves to be a threat to enemies in PvE – then the Shai class is what you’re looking for. Sep 1, 2022 · [TOP TIER FEEDBACK] Shai PvE , Results and adjusted Tier lists, using real data (Empirical, e. No one is forced to solo grind if they don't want to. Shai is the queen of party spots AND a must have class for the dungeon/s (present and future dungeons). She has a use but she's not essential and in an actual fight, she's borderline useless. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. In PvE she's a monster though. There are a few things to unpack when discussing Shai as a class - PvE and PvP, then solo or group. I am a new-ish BDO player ready to put more time into this game especially now at the beginning of the new season. Shai's whole purpose is to provide support in group content and this update has now taken away an element of what makes Shai good for endgame grinding in both group and solo spots. gg/yFQpgy8rECVariety Channel: https://www. Oct 16, 2024 · Shai wields the Florang, a weapon comparable in size to Shai herself! Shai's sub-weapon, Vitclari, grants her the ability to heal and protect her allies. Her supportive skills are not even that good or necessary in pve too. I am looking more towards PvE but will be doing some PvP eventually. I have decided on being a Shai main. Also, you need to do dmg to get loot while in party. Pvp supports class can be Mages, Valks etc. For chill grind maybe maegu succ. But on the most important (thornwood dehkia) I would still say a bit under average. Dilim sürtmüş olabilir affola. Her gameplay is the only one I enjoy in PVE or PVP, but her lack of damage in 1v1s forced me to tag a character with her. I hope her Guitar is doing something to be worth considering to "main" her in the long run. youtube. Check the shai discord and everyone feels the same way, she isnt in a good spot right now compared to other classes esp. The pve guide is here! Let me know how it helps you guys out!Time Stamps0:00 PvE Combo10:30 SkillAd Jan 3, 2024 · This game has both PvP and PvE so whatever fits your fancy, we have you covered. If want to grind early on shai at low ap you can do elvia nagas / stars end / group pve Artina sol is a big issue for Shai you may get it at 5b or 50b. You’re into enhancing life skills. My goal is to be the best Shai possible. ?젠이 남기는 하지만마냥 예구 기다리는거보다는. Like when farming Manshaums or something. I'd recommend go upper gyfin, it's 5man pt and shai are pretty much needed. We're one of the highest PvE damage dealer in the game and that requires doing a proper rotation. And obviously support characters are bad at solo pvp/pve, that's the point. _. Her existence in group content is so impactful that it warps the entire game around her. 사냥터가 너무 거지같아서같이 아무도 안돌아주죠. It's these kinds of updates that make people want to quit the game, because a Shai main is now somewhat forced to reroll because the class is nowhere near as good as About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright I leveled my Shai to 61 manually, and she is actually a very nice class to play normal (non high-end) PVE with. I can use her to solo grinding to 63. We will define the classes based on PvP or PvE strengths so you can get a better understanding of what role will fit your playstyle. And in PVP, the meta in NW is different to AOS, or dueling, or guild league. Gear dependant:Sorc,musa,kuno Non gear depend: zerker,lahn,mystic. jkddyu bmiatsn mii mfeku xaceewl fauc byecs wzrsd vbkqeu rodo